Behind Amerikanska Gymnasiet lies a powerful pedagogical idea about really putting the student’s best interests first and organizing the school around one single main thought: to prepare students for an international job market in a fast-changing world. That’s why you will read in the school’s logotype, “Get ready for the world”. Research shows that the world’s most successful schools have well-established structures, ease in collaboration and a focus on development among the staff, as well as continuous endeavors to innovate and improve. The starting point when Amerikanska Gymnasiet was founded was to build a school that stands up for success and the power of innovation so that every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Developments in educating

Our students will meet a global job market in their future working lives. This market will still be global even if students choose to work in Sweden. International competition means our students must develop and practice the skills and knowledge sought by the future job market. This must have direct consequences for education and Amerikanska Gymnasiet aims to take a leading position internationally by continually maintaining an awareness of and readiness to meet the anticipated demands of the future job market. We therefore work continuously to develop all our staff so that our students in turn will develop the skills and knowledge they are going to need. We use a digital learning environment and digital learning experience along with face-to-face interaction in well-designed pedagogical situations. We are developing a successful school through standing up for strong structures and a strong culture.

Amerikanska Gymnasiet stands for forward thinking and has the courage to be the school that others may then follow.

 We are proud of having been selected by Apple as a “distinguished school”. A validation that only 535 schools have been awarded worldwide.


Firm values for a strong school culture

Everything that takes place in the school starts originates from our four core values. In the classroom and in the corridor these values characterize the interaction between students and staff. Knowledge arises from curiosity and in our classrooms you will always meet enthusiastic and dedicated teachers and classmates.


I dare to challenge myself with things I haven’t dared before. I have the courage to say when I feel something is wrong. I dare to ask when there is something I want to know.


I use correct and thoughtful language. I help those who need help even if they don’t ask me to. I listen to other people’s opinions and I show consideration.

Knowledge and Curiosity

I seek myself for what I need to know and learn. I take responsibility and am active in developing my knowledge. I organize my schoolwork so I will remember more and perform better.


I don’t give up – it is a question of when I will succeed and how I will succeed. I learn from my results and continue to improve. I know that I will reach success if I continue to strive and grow.


Study techniques and personal leadership

In Year 1 every class has scheduled study technique. During the year we practice different techniques for more efficient learning and for organizing schoolwork. We also practice using the digital tools used in the school. In school subjects you will have practice in communication and rhetoric and you will learn to debate. In time you will conquer any fear of public speaking and feel confident in speech making. There are weekly opportunities to enable our students to develop strong personal leadership skills. We work with presentations and public speaking daily in most of our lessons. During Year 1 most students find this uncomfortable but after only a short time it begins to come naturally. We view the ability to debate and hold presentations and to grow strength thereby as a central skill to develop.


English blends in easily

Teaching is in Swedish and we develop explicit academic language right from Year 1. English is used to a greater and greater extent over the three years of high school. In Year 3 up to half the teaching is in English. Making English a natural part of daily life equips our students for university education and prepares them for a future career in Sweden or abroad. In tests and exams our students can always choose whether to answer in Swedish or English. Our students often request that even more of the teaching to be held in English. We believe it is important to develop both Swedish and English for the best academic conditions based on science and research.

“Teaching using only English has been debated regarding the risk that the students lose Swedish concepts in the different school subjects, (Josephson 2004, Carlson & Halldin 2006, Salö 2010). There has also been discussion about the risk of not attaining sufficient knowledge of the subject matter as a result of being taught in a foreign language (Hyltenstam 2002, Lim Falk 2008).”


Orderly study environment

At Amerikanska Gymnasiet we stand up for order and for focus on studying. That is why we have very clear rules about what takes place in classrooms and in the school, as we want to prepare our students for the environment that awaits them when they start their career. We act decisively on any form of abuse or attempt to disrupt study. We stand up for good comradeship and professional relations between teachers and students. Our rules of conduct can be summarized as: Firm and friendly. This is your guarantee for a calm, concentrated and stimulating study environment that will allow you to work towards the topmost goals in every subject with no distractions. With heartfelt care for each and every student.